Tax incentives for donations

Individuals can receive preferential treatment for income tax, and corporations can receive preferential treatment for corporate tax.

For individuals (you can receive preferential treatment for income tax)

When an individual makes a donation to the university, the donor can select either (1) deduction for donations (income deduction) or (2) special deduction for donations to public interest incorporated associations (tax deduction). can be applied.

Type of deduction

1. Donation deduction (income deduction)

If your donation exceeds 2,000 yen (up to 40% of your annual gross income), the excess amount will be deducted from your taxable income for that year.

2. Special deduction for donations to public interest incorporated associations (tax credit)

If the amount of donation (the upper limit is equivalent to 40% of the annual gross income) exceeds 2,000 yen, the amount equivalent to 40% of the excess amount (the amount equivalent to 25% of the income tax amount for the year) maximum) will be deducted from the income tax amount. It is characterized by a high tax reduction effect for small donation spenders.


In the year following the donation, a copy of the donation receipt issued by the university and a copy of the certificate (in the case of 1, the certificate of specified public interest promotion corporation (copy), and in the case of 2, the tax exemption certificate) Please file a final tax return at the tax office with jurisdiction.
  • For more information on income tax incentives, please contact your local tax office.
  • About deduction of inhabitant tax
    If donations to school corporations are designated as tax deductible by local ordinances, you can also receive deductions from inhabitant tax. For details, please contact your local tax office.

For corporations (you can receive a reduction or exemption from corporate tax)

  1. If a corporation makes a donation to the university (specified public interest promotion corporation), as a preferential measure based on the corporate tax law, it will be included in the deductible expenses for the relevant fiscal year (within the deductible limit), separately from general donations.

  2. The university will send the "Donation Receipt" and "Specified Public Interest Promotion Corporation Certificate (copy)" that are required for the exemption procedure as soon as the donation is confirmed.

  3. Calculation method of deductible limit (reference)
    Deductible limit = ((a) capital base amount + (b) income base amount) x 1/2
    (a) Standard capital amount = capital amount (end-of-term capital amount + end-of-term capital reserve amount) x number of months in fiscal year ÷ December x 3.75/1,000
    (b) Income standard amount = current income amount x 6.25/100
⇒In the “Educational research Promotion Fund”, Full donation can be entered as a deductible "Beneficiary Designated Donation System' is also available.
"Delivery Designated Donation System": This is a system in which donations are made to educational corporations designated by donors through the Japan Private School Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation. If you wish to use it, please contact Financial Affairs Division of the university.

Notes on year-end donations

The date on the donation receipt required for tax incentives is the date the donation is deposited into the university account. It is not the date of application, the date of payment, or the date of transfer from the card payment account, so please be careful about the applicable year of donation deduction.
Please note that if you use online payment, it will take about 1-2 months from the time the payment is made (credit card payment, convenience store payment) until the payment is credited to the university account.
  • Please note that if you apply for donations via online payment in December, the receipt will be issued in the following year, and your donation will be deductible in the following year.

Financial Affairs Office Financial Affairs Division
<Updated July 20, 2023>
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