Interaction with local communities

At our university, we are focusing on cooperation and exchange with the local community, and we are cooperating in the operation of joint projects with five Musashino regional universities and local events.

Philosophy, purpose, and priority activity areas for regional exchange (social cooperation and social contribution)

1. Philosophy

Contribute to human resource development, which is the mission of our university, and the formation and development of a better society by utilizing the specialized knowledge, human resources, facilities, etc. of our university and promoting exchange and cooperation with the local community.

2. Purpose

  1. By actively participating in exchanges and cooperation with the local community by students and faculty, we aim to develop human resources and revitalize knowledge.
  2. By opening intellectual and human resources and university facilities to the local community, we will respond to the needs of the local community and contribute to the development of a prosperous city.
  3. Together with the local community, we will form a community that is international and full of intellectual creativity that transcends generations.

3. Priority activity areas

(1) Mutual utilization of specialized knowledge
  1. Dispatch teaching staff to research groups, committees, etc.
  2. Hold lectures, Symposium, public Course, etc.
  3. Utilization of local human resources.
(2) Provision of human resources and expansion of learning opportunities
  1. Educational support, collaborative education, and support for sports activities at elementary, middle, and high schools.
  2. Activities related to international exchange/cooperation and welfare.
  3. Activities related to creating a safe environment such as disaster prevention and crime prevention.
(3) Regional activities for community development
  1. Participation in local community activities.
  2. Environmental beautification activities and volunteer activities.
  3. Participation and cooperation in local festivals and events.
(4) Opening facilities to the community
  1. Opening Library (Library Administration), classrooms, etc.
  2. Open Gymnasium, grounds, etc.
<Updated July 20, 2023>
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