Entrance examination using the common test for university entrance examination (1st semester/2nd semester)

  • It is an entrance examination that uses the results of the university entrance standard test.
  • There is a discount on entrance examination fees when applying to multiple departments.
  • There are [1st semester] where you can apply before taking the university entrance exam, and [2nd semester] where you can apply based on your self-grading.

Common University Entrance Examination (first and second semesters) (2025)

Number of recruits

faculty Department Number of recruits
previous term
Faculty of Business Administration Department of Management 45名Five people
Department of Hospitality Management 14名3 people
Department of Data Science 10名a few people
Faculty of Economics Department of Economics 35名10 people
Faculty of Law Department of Law 60名Five people
Faculty of International Relations Department of International Relations 20名4 people
Department of Multicultural Communication 20名4 people
社会学部 Contemporary Sociology 15名Five people


Those who meet any of the following conditions:
(1) Those who have graduated from high school or secondary school, or are scheduled to graduate by March 2025
(2) Those who have completed 12 years of regular school education or are scheduled to complete it by March 2025
(3) Those who are deemed to have academic ability equal to or greater than that of high school graduates pursuant to Article 150 of the Enforcement Regulations of the School Education Act, and those who are expected to meet this criteria by March 2025.
①Those who have completed 12 years of school education abroad, or who are scheduled to complete it by March 2025, or those who are equivalent to this and have been designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
②Those who have completed a course at an overseas educational institution approved by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, or who are scheduled to complete the course by March 2025
3) Those who have completed an advanced course at a vocational school designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, or those who are scheduled to complete the course by March 2025
④Person designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
⑤Those who have passed the high school graduation qualification examination (including those who have passed the university Entrance Requirements examination) and those who are expected to pass the examination by March 31, 2025
⑥Those who have been recognized by the University as having academic ability equal to or greater than that of high school graduates through an individual Entrance Requirements examination and who will reach the age of 18 by March 31, 2025.
* If you wish to apply under (3)-⑥ above, you must submit the following documents.
[Submission period]
September 2nd (Mon) to September 9th (Mon), 2024 (Postmark deadline is valid) (by mail only)
【Documents to be submitted】
  1. Application form for eligibility screening prescribed by the university (application form can be downloaded from below)
  2. Transcript of final school, etc. or course certificate
  3. Graduation (expected) certificate from final school, etc.
  4. Curriculum table of the final school, etc., School Regulations
  5. Other items deemed necessary by the university
[Notification of results of application eligibility screening]
Notify the person by mail

Application period

[First period] Saturday, January 4, 2025 to Friday, January 17, 2025
[Second Term] February 5th (Wed) - February 14th (Fri), 2025

*Application documents must be postmarked by the deadline.

test day

Saturday, January 18th and Sunday, January 19th, 2025 <Take the Common University Entrance Examination>

Examination hall

Venue designated by the university entrance examination center

Selection method

2 subject type

● Use the following subjects and courses from the Common University Entrance Examination

[Faculty Faculty of Business Administration Business Administration]
[Faculty of Business Administration Department of Hospitality Management]
(1) "National Language" (only modern texts)《100 points》(110 points will be converted to 100 points)
(2) Foreign Language: Choose one subject from the following: English, Reading, Listening, German, French, Chinese, Korean, or Writing.《100 points》(The score for English will be treated as 75 points for Reading and 25 points for Listening.)
(3) Choose one subject from the following: Geography and History, Civics (Geography, Geography, History, Japanese History, World History, Public, Ethics, Public, Politics and Economics, Geography/History/Public) Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics A, Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics B, Mathematics C) Information (Information I)
*Students taking the old curriculum can choose one subject from the following: Geography and History [Old World History A, Old World History B, Old Japanese History A, Old Japanese History B, Old Geography A, Old Geography B], Civics [Old Modern Society, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics], Mathematics [Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics A, Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics II, Old Mathematics B, Old Mathematics II, Old Bookkeeping and Accounting, Old Information-related Basics], Information [Old Information]
(If multiple subjects are taken, the subject with the highest score will be used.)《100 points》
* Pass/fail will be determined based on the total score of the top two subjects out of (1) to (3), up to a maximum of 200 points.
[Department of Economics Faculty of Economics]
(1) "National Language" (only modern texts)《100 points》(110 points will be converted to 100 points)
(2) Foreign Language: English [Reading], [Listening]《100 points》(The score for English will be treated as 75 points for Reading and 25 points for Listening.)
(3) Choose one subject from the following: Geography and History, Civics (Geography, Geography, History, Japanese History, World History, Public, Ethics, Public, Politics and Economics, Geography/History/Public) Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics A, Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics B, Mathematics C) Information (Information I)
*Students taking the old curriculum can choose one subject from the following: Geography and History [Old World History A, Old World History B, Old Japanese History A, Old Japanese History B, Old Geography A, Old Geography B], Civics [Old Modern Society, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics], Mathematics [Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics A, Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics II, Old Mathematics B, Old Mathematics II, Old Bookkeeping and Accounting, Old Information-related Basics], Information [Old Information]
(If multiple subjects are taken, the subject with the highest score will be used.)《100 points》
* Pass/fail will be determined based on the total score of the top two subjects out of (1) to (3), up to a maximum of 200 points.
[Department of Law Faculty of Law]
(1) Geography, History, and Civics [choose one subject from the following: Geography, Geography, History, Japanese History, History, World History, Public, Ethics, Public, Politics and Economics, Geography, History, Public, Public]
*Students taking the old curriculum can choose one subject from Geography and History (Old World History A, Old World History B, Old Japanese History A, Old Japanese History B, Old Geography A, Old Geography B) or Civics (Old Modern Society, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics)
(If multiple subjects are taken, the subject with the highest score will be used.) 200 points (100 points are doubled)
(2) "National Language" (only modern and later texts)《100 points》(110 points will be converted to 100 points)
(3) Foreign Language: Choose one subject from the following: English, Reading, Listening, German, French, Chinese, Korean, or Writing.《100 points》(The score for English will be treated as 75 points for Reading and 25 points for Listening.)
* (1) is mandatory, The maximum score for the exam will be 300 points, including the highest-scoring subject from (2) or (3).
[Faculty Faculty of International Relations Department of International Relations]
[Faculty of International Relations Department of Multicultural Communication]

(1) "National Language" (only modern texts)《100 points》(110 points will be converted to 100 points)
(2) Foreign Language: English [Reading], [Listening]《100 points》(The score for English will be treated as 70 points for Reading and 30 points for Listening.)
(3) Choose one subject from the following: Geography and History, Civics (Geography, Geography, History, Japanese History, World History, Public, Ethics, Public, Politics and Economics, Geography/History/Public) Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics A, Mathematics I) Information I
*Students enrolled in the old curriculum can choose one subject from the following: Geography and History [Old World History A, Old World History B, Old Japanese History A, Old Japanese History B, Old Geography A, Old Geography B], Civics [Old Modern Society, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics], Mathematics [Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics A, Old Mathematics I], Information [Old Information]
(If multiple subjects are taken, the subject with the highest score will be used.)《100 points》
* Pass/fail will be determined based on the total score of the top two subjects out of (1) to (3), up to a maximum of 200 points.
[Faculty of Sociology, Department of Contemporary Sociology
(1) Foreign Language: English [Reading], [Listening]《100 points》(The score for English will be treated as 75 points for Reading and 25 points for Listening.)
(2) Choose one subject from the following: Japanese (only modern and later texts), Geography and History, Civics (General Geography, Geography Exploration, General History, Japanese History Exploration, General History, World History Exploration, Public, Ethics, Public, Politics and Economics, General Geography/General History/Public) Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics A, Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics B, Mathematics C) Information (Information I)
*Students enrolled in the old curriculum can choose one subject from the following: Japanese (only modern and later texts), Geography and History [Old World History A, Old World History B, Old Japanese History A, Old Japanese History B, Old Geography A, Old Geography B], Civics [Old Modern Society, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics], Mathematics [Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics A, Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics II, Old Mathematics B, Old Mathematics II, Old Bookkeeping and Accounting, Old Information-related Basics], Information [Old Information]《100 points》(For "Japanese Language" (modern texts only), 110 points will be converted to 100 points.)
* (1) is mandatory The maximum score for the exam will be 200 points, including the highest-scoring subject from (2).
● Secondary examinations (individual academic achievement tests, etc.) will not be held.

3 subject type

● Use the following subjects and courses from the Common University Entrance Examination

[Faculty Faculty of Business Administration Business Administration]
[Faculty of Business Administration Department of Hospitality Management]
(1) "National Language" (only modern texts) 200 points》 (110 points are converted to 100 points, and the points are doubled)
(2) Foreign Language: Choose one of the following subjects: English, Reading, Listening, German, French, Chinese, Korean, or Writing. 200 points (English scores are treated as 150 points for reading and 50 points for listening.)
(3) Choose one subject from the following: Geography and History, Civics (Geography, Geography, History, Japanese History, World History, Public, Ethics, Public, Politics and Economics, Geography/History/Public) Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics A, Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics B, Mathematics C) Information (Information I)
*Students taking the old curriculum can choose one subject from the following: Geography and History [Old World History A, Old World History B, Old Japanese History A, Old Japanese History B, Old Geography A, Old Geography B], Civics [Old Modern Society, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics], Mathematics [Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics A, Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics II, Old Mathematics B, Old Mathematics II, Old Bookkeeping and Accounting, Old Information-related Basics], Information [Old Information]
(If multiple subjects are taken, the subject with the highest score will be used.) 200 points》 (100 points are treated as double)
*Total of (1) to (3) above 600 points Pass/fail is judged by full marks
[Faculty of Business Administration Department of Data Science]
<Three-subject type (A)>
(1) Mathematics: "Mathematics I, Mathematics A" 200 points (100 points are doubled)
*Those who have taken the old curriculum will take Mathematics [Old Mathematics I and Old Mathematics A].
(2) Foreign Language: Choose two subjects from English (Reading, Listening), Mathematics (Mathematics II, Mathematics B, Mathematics C), Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science), and Information (Information I)
*Students enrolled in the old curriculum must choose two subjects from the following: Foreign Language "English" (Reading, Listening), Mathematics ("Old Mathematics II, Old Mathematics B, Mathematics II"), Science ("Old Physics", "Old Chemistry", "Old Biology", "Old Earth Science"), and Information ("Old Information").
{200 points x 2 subjects = 400 points in total} (The score for English will be 100 points for Reading and 100 points for Listening. The rest will be treated as 100 points multiplied by two.)
※ (1) is mandatory, Combined with the two highest scoring subjects in (2) 600 points maximum (If multiple science subjects are taken, the highest score will be used.)
<Three Subject Type (B)>
(1) Foreign Language "English" (Reading and Listening) 200 points (The score for English will be treated as 100 points for [Reading] and 100 points for [Listening].)
(2) Two subjects to choose from Japanese (only modern and later texts), Geography and History, Civics (General Geography, Geography Exploration, General History, Japanese History Exploration, General History, World History Exploration, Public, Ethics, Public, Politics and Economics, General Geography/General History/Public) and Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics A, Mathematics II, Mathematics B, Mathematics C)
*Students enrolled in the old curriculum can choose two subjects from the following: Japanese (only modern and later texts), Geography and History (Old World History B, Old Japanese History B, Old Geography B), Civics (Old Modern Society, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics), Mathematics (Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics A, Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics II, Old Mathematics B, Old Mathematics II, Old Bookkeeping and Accounting, Old Information-related Basics).
 {200 points x 2 subjects = 400 points in total} (For "Japanese" (modern texts only), 110 points will be converted to 100 points and the score will be doubled. For other items, 100 points will be doubled.)
※ (1) is mandatory, Combined with the two highest scoring subjects in (2) 600 points maximum (If multiple subjects are taken in each subject, the highest score will be used.)
[Department of Economics Faculty of Economics]
(1) "National Language" (only modern texts) 200 points (110 points will be converted to 100 points and the points will be doubled)
(2) Foreign Language: English [Reading] [Listening] 200 points (The score for English will be treated as 150 points for Reading and 50 points for Listening.)
(3) Choose one subject from the following: Geography and History, Civics (Geography, Geography, History, Japanese History, World History, Public, Ethics, Public, Politics and Economics, Geography/History/Public) Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics A, Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics B, Mathematics C) Information (Information I)
*Students taking the old curriculum can choose one subject from the following: Geography and History [Old World History A, Old World History B, Old Japanese History A, Old Japanese History B, Old Geography A, Old Geography B], Civics [Old Modern Society, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics], Mathematics [Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics A, Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics II, Old Mathematics B, Old Mathematics II, Old Bookkeeping and Accounting, Old Information-related Basics], Information [Old Information]
(If multiple subjects are taken, the subject with the highest score will be used.) 200 points (100 points are doubled)
*Total of (1) to (3) above 600 points Pass/fail is judged by full marks
[Department of Law Faculty of Law]
(1) "National Language" (only modern texts) 200 points (110 points will be converted to 100 points and the points will be doubled)
(2) Foreign Language: Choose one subject from the following: English, Reading, Listening, German, French, Chinese, Korean, or Writing. 200 points (The score for English will be treated as 150 points for Reading and 50 points for Listening.)
(3) Choose one subject from Geography/History, Civics (Geography/Geography, History/Japanese History, History/World History, Public, Ethics, Public, Politics/Economics, Geography/History/Public) and Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics A, Mathematics I)
*Students taking the old curriculum can choose one subject from the following: Geography and History [Old World History A, Old World History B, Old Japanese History A, Old Japanese History B, Old Geography A, Old Geography B], Civics [Old Modern Society, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics], Mathematics [Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics A, Old Mathematics I]
(If multiple subjects are taken, the subject with the highest score will be used.) 200 points (100 points are doubled)
*Total of (1) to (3) above 600 points Pass/fail is judged by full marks
[Faculty Faculty of International Relations Department of International Relations]
[Faculty of International Relations Department of Multicultural Communication]
(1) "National Language" (only modern texts) 200 points (110 points will be converted to 100 points and the points will be doubled)
(2) Foreign Language: English [Reading] [Listening] 200 points (The English scores will be treated as 140 points for Reading and 60 points for Listening.)
(3) Geography, History, and Civics [Choose one subject from the following: "Geography, Geography Exploration", "History, Japanese History Exploration", "History, World History Exploration", "Public, Ethics", "Public, Politics and Economics", "Geography/History/Public" Mathematics ("Mathematics I, Mathematics A", "Mathematics I"), Information "Information I"
*Students enrolled in the old curriculum can choose one subject from the following: Geography and History [Old World History A, Old World History B, Old Japanese History A, Old Japanese History B, Old Geography A, Old Geography B], Civics [Old Modern Society, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics], Mathematics [Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics A, Old Mathematics I], Information [Old Information]
(If multiple subjects are taken, the subject with the highest score will be used.) 200 points (100 points are doubled)
*Total of (1) to (3) above 600 points Pass/fail is judged by full marks
[Faculty of Sociology, Department of Contemporary Sociology
(1) Foreign Language: English [Reading] [Listening] 200 points (The score for English will be treated as 150 points for Reading and 50 points for Listening.)
(2) Two subjects to choose from Japanese (only modern and later texts), Geography and History, Civics (General Geography, Geography Exploration, General History, Japanese History Exploration, General History, World History Exploration, Public, Ethics, Public, Politics and Economics, General Geography/General History/Public) Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics A, Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics B, Mathematics C) and Information I
*Students enrolled in the old curriculum can choose two subjects from the following: Japanese (only modern and later texts), Geography and History (Old World History A, Old World History B, Old Japanese History A, Old Japanese History B, Old Geography A, Old Geography B), Civics (Old Modern Society, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics, Old Ethics, Old Politics and Economics), Mathematics (Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics A, Old Mathematics I, Old Mathematics II, Old Mathematics B, Old Mathematics II, Old Bookkeeping and Accounting, Old Information-related Basics), and Information (Old Information).
 {200 points x 2 subjects = 400 points in total} (For "Japanese" (modern texts only), 110 points will be converted to 100 points and the score will be doubled. For other items, 100 points will be doubled.)
※ (1) is mandatory, Combined with the two highest scoring subjects in (2) 600 points maximum (If multiple subjects are taken in each subject, the highest score will be used.)
◆ In the first semester only, Faculty of Business Administration (excluding Department of Data Science) and the Faculty Faculty of Economics may admit students who have particularly excellent grades in even one of the subjects they take the entrance exam for.
● Secondary examinations (individual academic achievement tests, etc.) will not be held.

result publication

[First Period] Wednesday, February 12, 2025
[Second Term] Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Admission procedure period

[First half]
◆ First procedure: Wednesday, February 12, 2025 to Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Entrance fee, admission procedure documents, admission procedure input
◆Second procedure: Monday, March 3, 2025 to Friday, March 7, 2025 Payments excluding admission fees
[Late Period]
◆Complete procedure: Tuesday, March 4, 2025 to Friday, March 7, 2025. Entrance fee, admission procedure documents, and enrollment procedure input

Entrance examination requirements, etc.

Guidelines for the 2025 entrance examination using the Common University Entrance Examination (early and late)
<Updated August 21, 2024>
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