Qualification exam preparation Course


Qualification exam preparation Course

Support skill improvement with extracurricular Course! Gain qualifications and confidence!
Asia University partners with various companies to offer extracurricular Course to help students acquire various qualifications and prepare for certifications and written exams.
At discounted prices and special classes for ASU students, you can take Course similar to those offered at actual vocational schools.
In FY Reiwa 5, the "Asia University Qualification Acquisition Incentive" system was established to support students who are actively aiming to acquire qualifications (pass examinations). For some qualifications, such as TOEIC (L&R), MOS, and bookkeeping, rewards are paid when you acquire the qualifications. Please see the following page for eligibility and levels.
Asia University Qualification Acquisition Incentives

* Extracurricular Course are also available to graduates. For detailed procedures, please contact our partner directly.
* For current students only, some Course tuition fees will be subsidized by the Asia Gakuen Support Association (procedure required). Details will be announced on the Asia University portal when the application period approaches.
FY2023 Results (PDF)

List of Course offered

*Click on each Course title for details.
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SPI exam ability test preparation Course
Overview: SPI is a written test used by many companies for new graduate recruitment.
Currently, SPI is adopted by more than 14,000 companies annually, and more than 2 million people take the test. In recent years, an increasing number of local governments have introduced SPI measures in civil service exams, and SPI preparation is becoming increasingly important for university students looking for jobs.
Attendance format: On-demand Lecture
Click here for details and application (you will be redirected to the external site of the partner company)
TOEIC® L&R Preparation Course (500 points target/600 points target)
Summary: TOEIC® is an abbreviation for "Test of English for international communication" and is a universal test developed to evaluate communication skills in English. The evaluation is not a pass/fail decision, but is expressed as a score (out of 990 points). Taking the TOEIC® test allows you to objectively measure your English proficiency, which is an indicator for improving your language skills, and is often used by companies to judge your English proficiency when looking for a job, making it one of the most popular qualifications for university students.
Course offers two courses: the 500-point target course (spring) and the 600-point target course (autumn).
* L & R is an abbreviation for Listening & Reading, which measures two English proficiencies: "listening" and "reading".

Format: Online Lecture
Click here for → details and application (go to the external site of the partner company)
Please also refer to: 500-point target course Course guide (PDF)
Please refer to this page: 600-point target course Course guide (PDF)
You may also be interested in: Course Explainer Video
MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Course
Overview: MOS stands for Microsoft Office Specialist, an international certification that certifies skills in the use of Microsoft Office products such as Excel and Word. MOS is an international certification that certifies skills in the use of Microsoft Office products such as Excel and Word. In addition, the know-how to create documents in an easy-to-understand and efficient manner is also useful in daily university life, such as when writing reports.

Mode of attendance: online at Lecture or in person at Asia University Lecture
→directional marker or indicator For more details and application, click here (you will be redirected to the external website of the partner company). *This is jointly with the application page of the bookkeeper Course
→directional marker or indicator See also: Course Information (PDF)
→directional marker or indicator See also here: Course Explanatory video
Bookkeeping Course (3rd grade/2nd grade)
Overview: Bookkeeping is the technique of recording a company's business transactions and management activities in ledgers. It is not just about recording, but also about following rules to record, calculate, and organize, and this is what you will learn. Level 3 is an introductory level, and allows you to acquire basic knowledge about accounting, bookkeeping, and finance. Level 2 is more practical, and if you obtain it, it will be highly regarded by companies and will be an advantage during and after job hunting.
Learning bookkeeping is useful regardless of industry or job type, so many companies encourage employees to acquire bookkeeping skills after they receive a job offer, making it a skill that is worth acquiring while still a student.

Attendance format: On-demand Lecture
Click here for details and application (you will be redirected to the external site of the partner company) *This is joint with the MOS Course application page.
Please also refer to this: Course Information (PDF)
Please also refer to this: Course curriculum.pdf
Real estate agent (real estate transaction specialist) Course
Overview: A real estate agent (real estate transaction specialist) is a real estate transaction specialist and is a national qualification, so it can be said to be one of the most highly trusted qualifications in society. In addition, this qualification has many benefits, such as being advantageous when aiming to get a job or change jobs in the real estate industry, and also useful when purchasing a home in the future.
On the other hand, in order to pass the real estate brokerage exam, deep academic knowledge is not required, and it is possible to reach the passing level by accumulating basic knowledge, so it is possible to reach the passing level by studying for the exam in a relatively short period of time. is. The exam format is multiple-choice, with four choices, and is not written or written, so even those who are completely new to studying law or qualification exams can take the exam relatively easily.

Course format: Online Lecture /face-to-face Lecture (face-to-face classes will be held at Asia University on some dates during summer vacation)
Click here for details and application (you will be redirected to the external site of the partner company)
Financial planner Course (3rd grade/2nd grade)
Overview: Financial Planner (FP) is a qualification that is becoming increasingly popular among students who are facing numerous turning points in their lives, and is akin to a ``money expert'' or ``family doctor.'' ``Financial planning'' is the process of creating a comprehensive financial plan to achieve your dreams and goals in life. Financial planning requires a wide range of knowledge such as finance, taxation, real estate, mortgages, insurance, education funds, pension systems, etc., but with this knowledge, we support clients to make their dreams and goals come true. The specialist is a financial planner (FP). There are grades 1 to 3, and Asia University offers extracurricular Course for grades 3 and 2.

Attendance format: On-demand Lecture
→ Click here for details and how to apply (FP 3rd grade) (FP 2nd grade)

Travel Business Management Examination Preparation Course [Domestic/Comprehensive]
Summary: The Travel Agency Supervisor is the only national qualification in the travel industry. It is a qualification for a person in charge required for a travel agency, and there are two types: Domestic Supervisor and General Supervisor. The former is only for domestic travel, while the latter can be involved in both domestic and international travel (such as explaining things to customers and planning tours). The qualification is recognized nationwide and is valid for life once obtained, so it is a valuable qualification for those who wish to work in the travel industry, as well as in the tourism and hospitality fields such as airlines and hotels.
Attendance format: On-demand Lecture
Click here for details (PDF)
Click here to apply (You will be redirected to the partner company's external website)
Please also refer to this: Course explanation video
Secretary Certification Level 2 Preparation Course
Overview: The secretarial skills test is a qualification that proves that you have acquired the basics of etiquette as a member of society and business skills. You will learn content that is actually needed in society, such as general common sense, business etiquette, the correct use of honorific language, and how to answer the telephone.
These are skills that are required not only for secretaries but for all occupations, and some companies incorporate the contents of the secretarial certification into new employee training, so if you are able to obtain the qualifications, you can highlight them on your resume when job hunting. can.

Attendance format: On-demand Lecture
Click here for details and application (you will be redirected to the external site of the partner company)
Bridal qualification (wedding planner) acquisition Course
Summary: This Course is designed to provide students with basic bridal knowledge and practical wedding planning skills. The textbook used in this Course is used in bridal training sessions throughout Japan, and Lecturer will support you through to certification as a WBJ "Certified Wedding Planner," which is proof of mastery of the contents of this textbook.
Students who are interested in working in the bridal industry as well as those who are interested in working in the service industry or as event planners are encouraged to attend.

Mode of instruction: online at Lecture or in person Lecture
→directional marker or indicator For more details and application, click here (you will be redirected to the external website of the partner company).
→directional marker or indicator See also here: Course Explanatory video
Food Analyst Level 4 Training Course
Summary: A food analyst is an expert in "food information" who reads and disseminates all information surrounding food, such as restaurant information, ingredients, food, and beverages, and is a qualification that is expected to play an increasingly active role as the importance of information literacy and information dissemination on the Internet increases.
In the process of obtaining a food analyst qualification, students systematically study food and food culture, and comprehensively study not only the sense of taste, but also the interior decoration of restaurants, the history of cuisine, and the laws of restaurants. Level 4 is a basic level (which can be obtained in one day) with the basic knowledge required for food analysts, and you can apply for the student plan (special price) Course from the following.

Format: Online Lecture or face-to-face Lecture (external)
Click here for details (You will be redirected to an external site of the partner company)
Please refer to this article: Student Plan Contents (PDF)
Click here to apply for the → student plan (you will be redirected to the external site of the partner company)
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<Updated March 28, 2024>
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