Class Absence Report (Job Hunting)


Absence from classes for 4th grade students

If you have no choice but to miss classes due to job-hunting activities, you will need to take the "Certificate of Attendance" to the examination venue and get it stamped by the company's recruiting staff.
*Please check this guide and follow the procedure.

Targets for Class Absence Report

  • Company information session (excluding joint information sessions)
  • Employment examination (including civil servants)
  • Unofficial job offer ceremony (internships, social gatherings and training for prospective employees held by companies after the job offer are not covered)

Every year, when it is time to graduate, there are cases where students are unable to graduate because they attended the employment examination. If it overlaps with a class, tell the company about it, do not miss the class unnecessarily, and give priority to obtaining Credit.
* Class absence reports are only valid for fourth-year undergraduates.
*Please download the form from "AC Navi".
<Updated April 12, 2024>
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