Job hunting competency diagnosis (Sprout)

“Competency” refers to “behavioral characteristics (ability to act) that lead to results and achievements.” The Job Hunting Competency Diagnosis (Sprout) measures students' thinking and behavioral tendencies, and diagnoses their ability to act (competencies) that can be useful in the business world.
In addition to being able to recognize one's own strengths and weaknesses through competency diagnosis, it is also an opportunity to find out how well one fits with the image of human resources sought by companies, and how one can approach the image of the person one is aiming for.

Ability to measure

1. Ability to respond to requests

(1) Customer orientation (the ability to consider others)
② Consultation (ability to help others)
(3) Partnership (the ability to cooperate with others)

2. Power to create new value

① Analytical thinking (ability to understand things)
(2) Information orientation (ability to gather information)
(3) Concept formation (ability to generate ideas)

3. the power to change something

① Decision-making management (ability to judge things)
(2) Strategy formulation (ability to formulate strategies)

Four. Ability to do things properly

(1) Achievement-oriented ability (the ability to carry through the plan)
(2) Ability to utilize resources (ability to manage what is needed)
③ Process management (ability to think about procedures)

Five. power to make the most of oneself

① Communication (Ability to listen and speak)
(2) Time management (ability to meet time and deadlines)
(3) Adaptability (the ability to respond to change)

6. power to keep each other alive

①Leadership (the power to pull people around)
(2) Ability to nurture (the ability to nurture people)
(3) Organizational strength
To develop your competencies
What these six powers have in common is the ability to think and act for oneself.
How to think, act and overcome the various problems you will face during your student life will be a shortcut to develop your competencies. It is important to understand your current competencies early on and set goals for how you can develop your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.
<Updated July 20, 2023>
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