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Department of Management 1
Department of Management 2
Faculty of Business Administration
Department of Management
Developing human resources who move society with independence and business skills as weapons
Department of Hospitality Management 1
Department of Hospitality Management 2
Faculty of Business Administration
Department of Hospitality Management
Becoming an embodiment of hospitality that can be used immediately on site
Department of Data Science 1
Department of Data Science 2
Faculty of Business Administration
Department of Data Science
Business-oriented DX human resources who connect business administration and digital technology
Department of Economics 1
Department of Economics 2
Faculty of Economics
Department of Economics
Acquire the basics of economics and knowledge of accounting to become a problem-discovery and problem-solving person
Department of Law 1
Department of Law 2
Faculty of Law
Department of Law
Acquire a legal mind and become a person who contributes to the realization of a fair world
Department of International Relations 1
Department of International Relations 2>
Faculty of International Relations
Department of International Relations
Developing true Asian and global human resources who are strong in international cooperation and international competition
Department of Multicultural Communication 1
Department of Multicultural Communication 2
Faculty of International Relations
Department of Multicultural Communication
Understanding the diverse cultures of the world and thinking about coexistence among global citizens
Department of Urban Innovation 1
Department of Urban Innovation 2
Faculty of Urban Innovation
Department of Urban Innovation
Becoming urban creators who create visions of future cities
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