Information disclosure

Based on Asia Educational Incorporative Information Disclosure Regulations, we publish information related to our educational research activities. 
In addition, since many items use the survey criteria of the "School Basic Survey" conducted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the information will be updated after the end of July when all forms of the school basic survey have been submitted. (Excluding some)
open all
1. Matters related to the educational and research objectives of the university, policies concerning graduation certification, policies concerning the organization and implementation of curricula, and policies concerning the acceptance of new students
the whole university
Graduate School
2. Matters related to the basic organization of education research
Faculty of Business AdministrationFaculty of EconomicsFaculty of LawFaculty of International RelationsFaculty of Urban Innovation
Graduate School
3.Faculty organization, number of teachers, academic degrees and achievements of each teacher
faculty organization
Data on faculty and staff
Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Law
Faculty of International Relations
Faculty of Urban Innovation
Graduate School
Institute for Asian Studies
Center for English Language Education (CELE) 
4. Number of enrolled students, capacity and number of students enrolled, number of graduated or completed students, number of students going on to higher education, number of people finding employment, and other matters related to further education and employment
Number of enrollees, capacity
number of students
Number of students who have graduated or completed their studies, number of students going on to higher education, number of people finding employment, and other conditions such as advancing to higher education and finding employment
Graduate School
Status of Degree Acquisition
5.Things related to Subject, class methods and contents, and annual class plans
Faculty of Business Administration Department of Business Administration 
Faculty of Business Administration Administration 
Faculty of Business Administration Department of Data Science 
Faculty of Economics Department of Economics
Faculty of Law Department of Law 
Faculty of International Relations Department of International Relations 
Faculty of International Relations Department of Multicultural Communication 
Faculty of Urban Innovation Department of Urban Innovation
Graduate School
Concerning qualification courses
Disclosure of information on teacher-training courses

Philosophy of teacher training at Asia University

The founding spirit of Asia University is "the spirit of Self-help and Cooperation", and its philosophies are "cultivation of capable human resources who can contribute to the international community", "humanity-oriented education", and "cultivation of creative human resources who will create a new society". Based on the basic policy of education, we have established the following diploma policy.
  1. Acquire a wide range of education and advanced specialized knowledge and skills, and be able to use them creatively.
  2. Learn about the world's cultures from a global perspective and respect their diversity.
  3. Actively contribute to the formation of a better society by cooperating with others.
  4. You can set goals, shape your own career, and maintain a lifelong learning attitude.
Teacher training based on these educational philosophies is based on a wide range of knowledge in specialized fields and liberal arts education acquired in each of the four social science faculties and departments of our university Faculty of Business Administration Faculty of Economics, economics, Faculty of Law, and Faculty of International Relations In addition, we will acquire specialized knowledge and skills related to education, cultivate humanity such as motivation, attitude, and ability to take action as an educator, respect the diversity of students, and cooperate with others to create a better society. We aim to develop teachers who will continue to learn and pursue their dreams throughout their lives.

List of licenses available

Faculty kind of junior high school high school
Faculty of Business Administration Department of Business Administration society Civics/Commercial
Faculty of Economics Department of Economics society citizen
Faculty of Law Department of Law society citizen
Faculty of International Relations Department of International Relations Society/English Civics/English
Graduate School junior high school Senior high school
Graduate School of Economics society citizen
Graduate School of Law society citizen

Goals and Plans for Teacher Training

Our teacher training program offers a planned curriculum and activity program starting from the first year to help students acquire specialized knowledge and skills in education and to foster the motivation, attitude, and drive required of educators.
Foundational subjects starting in the first year, such as "Introduction to the Teaching Profession," "Principles of Education," "Educational Psychology," and "Educational Methodology (including the use of ICT)," convey the appeal of the teaching profession and enable students to visualize the type of teacher required in the field, while also deepening their understanding of basic educational knowledge and skills.
From the second year onwards, students begin to fully study practical teaching, including active learning and the use of ICT materials, through courses such as "Curriculum Theory," "Student and career options Guidance Theory," "Introduction to Special Needs Education," and "Sociology of Education." Experienced practitioner teachers are in charge of courses such as "Educational Counseling," "Extracurricular Activities Theory," and "Instructional Methods for Integrated Study Periods," providing practical learning that takes into account the relationship between the local community, parents, and the school.
From the third year, based on the foundations learned in the first and second years, students will begin to take courses such as "Teaching Methods for Each Subject (Social Studies, Civics, Business, English)" and "Volunteer Theory," which combines pre- and post-training for hands-on nursing care experience activities at special needs schools and social welfare facilities, and will have more learning opportunities, including practical Practicum. In addition, the "Educational Volunteer" course allows students to earn Credit over multiple years from the first year, and various volunteer activities are planned.
The fourth-year "teaching Practicum" is a long-term Practicum in a school, where students can demonstrate all the results of their learning and test their teaching skills. In the autumn semester of the fourth year, students will also have the "teaching practice Seminar" to confirm their skills and qualifications through mock lessons, presentations on Practicum, lectures by current teachers, group work and discussions, and other activities, which will help them discover their own challenges and grow further as teachers.
The specific educational goals and plans for each subject are outlined in the syllabus, and students will steadily achieve their goals by following the syllabus.

Organization related to teacher training

Organizations related to teacher training at Asia University
Organization related to teacher training
Course management liaison council
organization name Course management liaison council
Purpose of the organization Discuss and decide from a university-wide standpoint regarding the operation of teacher training courses, Library (Library Administration) courses, and social education supervisor courses.
person in charge Vice President for Academic Affairs (Chairman)
Members (positions/number of people) 1. Vice President for Academic Affairs (1 person), 2. 3. Academic affairs Senior Staff of each faculty (5 people); There are 14 full-time faculty members in charge of course subjects. When the Chair (Vice President for Academic Affairs) deems it necessary, other persons may be invited to attend.
Operation method The agenda is
1. Thing about course-related curriculum.
2. Matters related to the personnel affairs of faculty members in charge of course subjects.
3. Matters related to the completion judgment of course participants.
4. Thing about experience such as teaching Practicum and nursing care.
5. Other matters related to daily course management.
Items 1 and 2 will be decided through deliberations Deans Council. In other words, as an organization, it reports directly to Deans Council which is the highest decision-making body for academic matters.
A course Senior Staff (1 person) and an assistant course director (1 person) are selected from the full-time faculty members as Senior Staff officers of the council, and jointly execute the decisions of the council with the departments in charge.
Jurisdiction Academic Affairs Office Teaching Center
course staff meeting
organization name course staff meeting
Purpose of the organization In addition to cooperating with the administrative office to implement decisions made by the Course Management Liaison Committee, discuss and propose plans related to course management to the Course Management Liaison Committee.
person in charge course Senior Staff
Members (positions/number of people) 1. Vice President for Academic Affairs (1 person), 2. Course Senior Staff (1 person), 3. Senior Staff Course Director (1 person), 4. Full-time faculty in charge of course subjects (5 people), 5. Vice Director, Registration Division and Assistant Vice-Director Affairs (1 person each), and staff in charge of courses (3 people)
Operation method Approximately once a month, a preliminary review of matters to be discussed by the Course Management Liaison Committee is conducted. The course Senior Staff serves as the chairperson, and deliberates and decides in a collegial system. In addition, discussions on course budget proposals, operation of course Guidance, and the learning status of course students are also discussed.
Jurisdiction Academic Affairs Office Teaching Center

Efforts related to teacher training

A list of Subject offered as part of the teacher training course is open to the public.
Asia University Faculty Information
family name faculty Subject in charge
Mai Kominato
Lecturer, Faculty of Business Administration
educational psychology
IKEGAME NaokoFaculty of International Relations ProfessorEducational Principles, Sociology of Education
Junko Matsumura Faculty of International Relations Special Duty Professor Comprehensive Study Time Teaching Methods, Special Activity Theory
MIURA Tomoko Faculty of Law Associate Professor Introduction to Teaching, Social Studies Education Law, Social Studies and Civics Education Law
*Please refer to the "Teacher's Course Manual" (PDF) on the above link for information on the person in charge of subjects related to subjects and Adjunct Lecturer.

Efforts to improve the quality of education

In the teacher training course at our university, the following efforts are being made to further develop the necessary skills as teachers for students who take the teaching profession.

(1) Cultivation of educational practical skills
Each class in the teacher training course incorporates active learning, the use of ICT equipment and teaching materials, and the perspective of cooperation with local communities, while honing the educational practical skills required of modern teachers. In addition, in the 3rd year Required Subject "Teaching Practicum Guidance", practical learning with an awareness of teaching Practicum in small classes is advanced, and "Special Activity Theory" and "Teaching Method for Comprehensive Study Time" are taught by experienced teachers. Under the guidance of practitioner teachers, we strive to raise the awareness of students aiming to become teachers.

(2) Development of teachers with high communication skills
Based on the founding philosophy of “the spirit of Self-help and Cooperation,” Asia University provides various opportunities for experience and growth through volunteer activities, study abroad, internships, and club and circle activities. In the teacher training course, we are striving to develop teachers who, while accumulating diverse experiences, establish an independent identity to help themselves, communicate with others, and build better cooperative relationships through subjects such as "educational volunteers." increase.

(3) Support for teacher employment examinations
In the "Kyotori Dojo" where practical teachers teach Practicum and employment examinations, they are given diverse and slightly difficult experiences and experiences, and they are trained to proactively grasp, think, discuss and solve problems. doing. Through training with a sense of ownership and not making it someone else's business, students will learn the "judgment" required of a teacher by constantly asking questions such as "greeting Practicum" and "why do you want to become a teacher?" We are studying strength, expertise, and humanity.

(4) Establishment of specialized study space
As a place for mutual study and exchange of students in the teacher training course, there is a "Specialty Degree Study Room" where you can set up a blackboard, PC / AV equipment, and a movable desk for full-scale teaching Practicum, and a "Reference Room" where you can find teaching materials and materials related to employment examinations. , We have secured three “self-study rooms” that can be used freely by students, and are used as training dojos, seminar classes, and places for self-study and group study.

Self-assessment report


6.Criteria for evaluation of learning outcomes and recognition of graduation or completion
Graduate School
7. Facilities and equipment such as school grounds, school buildings, and other educational research environments for students
Policy on improving the environment for education and research
In order to enhance the results of our educational and research activities, we will develop research environment as follows.

1. Teaching and research environment for teachers
  • Secure Research Office, research funds, and research time for faculty members, and support acquisition of competitive research funds.
  • Instill research ethics and ensure compliance in research activities.

2. Base for Asian research and Exchange
  • Promote the development of an environment for Asian research.
  • Enhance various international exchange programs.
  • In order to promote international exchange and international cooperation, we will open overseas base offices.

3. Library (Library Administration), etc.
  • Make Library (Library Administration) a space for proactive learning.

Four. Facility equipment
In order to promote the learning of students and the education research activities of faculty members, we will strive to maintain and manage facilities and equipment, and to develop an environment that takes safety and convenience into consideration.
Library (Library Administration)
office hour
Teachers set aside a certain amount of time to hold interviews with students. Students will make an appointment with the faculty member in advance and have an interview. Office hours are published on the Asia-University Portal.
Harassment measures
We have established regulations for the purpose of maintaining a comfortable education, research, learning and working environment, and protecting the human rights of students, faculty and staff, and are working to prevent and solve problems.
Earthquake resistance rate
* Calculated based on the standards of the “Fact-finding Survey of Private School Buildings” conducted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
8. Tuition, admission fees and other fees collected by the university
9. Matters related to support for students' studies, career options selection, mental and physical health, etc. provided by the university
Student Support Policy
The university will strengthen support for improving the academic ability and independence of students, and will strive to improve the learning support system and improve the learning environment for revitalizing extracurricular activities so that students can lead meaningful student lives. .
  1. study support
  2. ・Proceed systematically with compulsory first-year education and second- to fourth-year seminar education.
    ・Enhance the learning support and consultation system.
  3. Livelihood support
  4. ・Promote activation of extracurricular activities.
    ・Enhance the scholarship system.
    ・Promote the development of a comfortable and safe campus environment.
  5. career options support
  6. ・Proceed with the internship.
    ・Promote career education.
    ・Thorough employment guidance.
Basic Policy for Learning Support for Students with Disabilities
  1. The purpose of study support at this university is to ensure that all students have equal educational opportunities, and to support each student to progress smoothly in their studies.
  2. Based on requests for learning support from students with disabilities, relevant departments will closely coordinate and cooperate to realize a learning environment suitable for each student.
Support related to study
We have prepared a wide range of systems so that students can study according to their goals, such as undergraduate education, language education such as English, and extracurricular Course with a view to obtaining qualifications and preparing for employment exams.
Support for studying abroad and international exchange
We offer a variety of overseas study programs, including our own American program, which has students study at three American universities, a five-month study abroad program in Malaysia, a global program that allows students to study abroad for short periods during summer and spring vacations, a one-year exchange program, and “ASIA YUME COLLEGE”, which includes studying abroad at Dalian University of Foreign Languages and internships at local Japanese companies. We also focus on support to encourage students to study abroad.
student overseas activities
In addition to studying abroad, we also conduct overseas training at research groups and seminars.
career options selection support
We provide comprehensive career education and job hunting support, including the establishment of career-related subjects, Guidance, and individual interviews.
Support for mental and physical health
Regular health checkup
The school health and safety law obliges students to maintain and improve their health, prevent illness, and monitor their health status. It is intended for all students.
Health Services Office
It was established with the aim of helping students create their own health in order to solve health-related problems and lead a better student life. In addition to physical worries, we also accept any kind of consultation, such as knowledge of health and hygiene, nutrition, etc.
Your privacy is strictly protected, so you can use it with confidence.
Student Counseling (Counseling Center)
We respond to inquiries from students enrolled at our university and their families. Counselors (clinical psychologists and certified psychologists) are available for consultation.
Student Health Insurance/Student Education research Accident Disability Insurance
This system, which was born based on the spirit of mutual aid, in which students help each other, allows students to contribute to the fund in the form of union dues, and to use their own medical expenses for health insurance.
Support for student life
Scholarship benefit
In addition to establishing its own scholarship system, it also adopts many systems such as public organizations. Many students make use of these systems to lead a fulfilling campus life.
Housing information
In addition to security and safety, we will guide you to properties that meet your needs, such as location, floor plan, rent, required commute time to university, and lifestyle.
Support for student extracurricular activities
extracurricular activities
There are organizations such as the Academic and Cultural Clubs, which consists of cultural clubs, the Athletic Association, which is a gathering of athletic clubs, and Student’s Association Central Executive Committee, which is responsible for student autonomy. I am trying.
Student commendation (Goto Award/Supporter's Association Award)
The Goto Prize is awarded to groups and individuals who have achieved outstanding results in sports, academic and cultural activities, and who have raised the reputation of the university. The Supporter's Association Award is given to students who have achieved remarkable results in sports and cultural activities, and who have raised the prestige of the university.

Local exchange activities
By having students actively participate in exchanges and cooperation with the local community, we aim to develop human resources and revitalize knowledge.
In addition to promoting exchanges among students, we are cultivating management skills through the holding of events.
Support for International Student
We have prepared a complete system for accepting international students, such Intensive Japanese Course studying Japanese, student dormitories, and scholarships for International Student who aim to enter our university. We also support International Student who wish to find employment in Japan after graduation.
Support for parents
Faculty and staff members of the university visit venues all over the country to report on the current state of the university, class/job-related matters, attendance of children, academic status up to the previous year (for first-year students, attendance is mainly focused on language), and general student life. Parents' meetings are held for general explanations and individual interviews.
Freshmen Orientation / Graduation Ceremony
“Encounter Square” is Freshmen Orientation held several days after entering the school. The purpose is to interact with new students, senior students, and faculty members, reduce the tension in university life, and learn about the significance of student life through the founding spirit, history, and the experiences of auxiliary students who are senior students who accompany them. , to ensure a smooth start to your new student life.
The “graduation ceremony” marks the end of university life. We regret to say goodbye to Professor, seminars and club friends, and celebrate our departure as members of society.
10. Miscellaneous
Internal quality assurance
Other internal quality assurance
Compliance related
At our university, we conduct various questionnaires for students to understand their learning and living conditions. This is to help improve and enhance the quality of university education and support students in the future.
The main questionnaires are as follows.
  1. Graduating student survey
  2. Class questionnaire by students
  3. Student Opinion and Learning Survey (1st to 4th year students)

Faculty Development (FD) Activities
Staff Development (SD) Activities
Social contributions
Application documents, etc.
New support system for higher education
Under the new higher education support system, universities and other institutions that have been confirmed to meet certain requirements (confirmed universities, etc.) based on the Act on Support for Study at Universities and Other Institutions are eligible institutions, and Asia University was certified as an eligible institution under the system on September 20, 2019.
Pursuant to Article 7, Paragraph 2 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Act on Support for Learning at Universities and Other Institutions, we will publish the confirmation application form.
Installation Approval Application Form
Faculty of Sociology, Department of Contemporary Sociology (Opening April 2025)
Department of Data Science Faculty of Business Administration (opening April 2023)
Invoice system (eligible invoice storage method)
Please refer to the file below for the registration information of qualified invoice issuers of our university.
<Updated December 5, 2024>
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